Having the Most Fun Allowed by Law
(559 )221-0161 / Fresno
(559) 297-0312/ Clovis
Having the Most Fun Allowed by Law
(559 )221-0161 / Fresno
(559) 297-0312/ Clovis
Free WiFi for all and for all a good light.
Do It
Do It
Cigars Limited is more then your average cigar store. We try to give you the experience that goes much further than enjoying a cigar, after all its more than that. Its truly about comrade, new places to see and experiences in Travel.
When you make Cigars Limited your cigar store you are now a part of something bigger. You get invitations to yearly trips to exotic places that no other travel agent or magazine have access too. WE go visit countries were cigars are grown and made and yes we visit the factories and farms but it is so much more than even that.
Usually the owner of the factory joins us for dinner and we learn the process of blending and fabrication of cigars as well as get to visit a country with a guide that has a very top notch understanding of the land.