
The Wrapper is Back

Only for friends of Cigars LTD…

Those of you who have been friends of Cigars Ltd for a long time will remember our quarterly mailing of The Wrapper. Printed on toothy parchment paper reminiscent of a fine Connecticut Shade cigar wrapper, The Wrapper included just about anything I thought cigar lovers would find interesting or amusing. I shared my own thoughts on cigardom, things happening at the store, and some of you may remember Mike Insalaco’s Puffing Smoke column. Mike and I made sure we made writing The Wrapper a labor of love, and I think that came across. I got so many comments over the years that my customers really enjoyed reading it. But many years ago, Mike and I both got married, started having kids, and ... well ... The Wrapper went into hibernation.

Recently, on one of our regular cigar chats about life and the shop, Mike pitched the idea of bringing The Wrapper back to life in email form. My “Absolutely!” was a no brainer. Welcome the first new edition. Here’s what we’re thinking. 

Just like the old Wrapper, this email version will include everything from wistful musings to solid information about all things tobacco-related. A little business and a little fun. We’re not sure how often we’ll do it. Maybe quarterly. Maybe more if we have the energy and time ... and if we have something we think you’ll want to read. This will never become an e-assault. And you can always unsubscribe if it isn’t your thing. 

Mike and I used to take four weekend trips to Carmel a year to flesh out the content for The Wrapper. We’d talk over a great dinner Friday night, write all day on the white sand beach on Saturday followed by another great dinner and maybe a round of golf on Sunday. Like I said, it was a “labor” of love. Neither one of us have the time for that at this stage of our lives. The new Wrapper may be created on Mike’s patio with his dogs to keep us company. But there will still be a lot of laughs, great cigars and side conversations about life. We’re looking forward to it just as much.

Our motto at Cigars Ltd is “Where all things old are new again.” Like grown-ups enjoying conversation over a fine cigar. Where comfortable leather chairs never go out of style. And old friends return to a labor of love.

The Wrapper is back.